Discover the Gentle yet Powerful Effects of Flower Essences

Flower essences contain the vibrational imprint or energy signature of the plant. They work on the subtle energy field of the body to create a positive mental-emotional shift and bring the body back into balance. They educate you on the critical need to harmonize with nature and act as a catalyst for big emotional change.

Root *
Energy Center

Frequency: 396 Hz

When you sense a red beam descending and settling from the bottom of your spine to the perineum, you're feeling the energy of the earth. This strong force controls all of the body's bones, muscles, and firm structures, as well as the organs that remove waste and our legs that help us connect with the ground.
This energy center, called the survival center, makes sure we have enough food, clothing, and shelter to survive and thrive. Additionally, it's closely connected to the sense of smell, which can bring back powerful memories.

The Etheric Body is an energetic blueprint or template for the physical body, containing information about the body's form, structure, and functions.

Sacral *
Energy Center

Frequency: 417 Hz

The sacral chakra is associated with the color orange, and it is the center of creativity, passion, and sensuality. It is also connected to the element of water, which symbolizes flow and movement. When the sacral chakra is balanced, it promotes emotional stability, creativity, and pleasure. However, when it is blocked or overactive, it can lead to emotional and physical issues such as depression, anxiety, and sexual dysfunction. In addition, the sacral chakra is linked to the body's reproductive system and governs the flow of fluids in the body. It is associated with the ovaries in women and the testes in men. By balancing and activating the sacral chakra, one can enhance their creativity, sexuality, and overall well-being.

The Emotional Body dictates your feelings and emotions.

Solar *
Energy Center

Frequency: 528 Hz

When you experience a bright yellow light that can be felt in the middle of your belly it is the spot that is responsible for making us feel strong, energetic, and alive. This energy center also helps us think and understand things better. It is in charge of our ability to see clearly and helps us digest our food properly.

The Mental Body is the part of us that controls all of our thoughts and thinking processes.

Heart *
Energy Center

Frequency: 639 Hz

When you encounter a powerful light penetrating the center of your chest you are experiencing grace. This energy center is known as the heart energy center, and it is responsible for managing our feelings of love and kindness. It also controls how our heart, lungs, and circulatory system work. Moreover, it has an impact on our arms, sense of touch, and our ability to sense things that go beyond our physical senses.

The Astral Body transcends the physical and acts as a connector to the spiritual.

Throat *
Energy Center

Frequency: 741 Hz

When you sense a blue radiance illuminating your throat, this is where the energy center of authenticity, communication, and self-expression resides. Here, we enter the realm of ether, which is the most subtle element. This energy center in the throat is associated with space, sound, and vibration. It controls all the sense organs in the head, including the ears, and it's closely related to our sense of hearing and ability to perceive sounds beyond the physical realm.

The Etheric Template Body is part of your energy that exists in parallel realities.

Third Eye *
Energy Center

Frequency: 852 HZ

When you encounter a beam of purple light, directed toward the center of your forehead this is your third eye energy. This center connects us with the boundless universe beyond the physical realm and links us with the ultimate intelligence and knowledge. As we depart from this energy center, duality emerges.

Celestial Body is an aggregation
of matter in the universe (such as a planet, star, or nebula that can be considered as a single unit.

Crown *
Energy Center

Frequency: 963 Hz

When you witness a luminous aura emanating from the crown of your head, revealing a swirling vortex of shimmering light you may whitness with your inner eye a holographic projection that reveals the sacred patterns of geometry, serving as a bridge that connects our innermost selves with the vast expanse of the universe.

The Causal Body holds the essence of our spirit. Inspiration and spiritual visions filter down to the soul to be grounded in the here and now through the lower energy centers.

Flower essence therapy is based on the understanding of Einstein and today’s leading-edge quantum physicists that everything around us, including our physical bodies and our everyday visible world, is an interconnected field of energy vibrating at different speeds. From this perspective, it becomes evident that the fundamental tools of vibrational medicine are distinct vibrational frequencies. When we find ourselves grappling with negative emotions like fear, anger, or guilt, there are ways to facilitate personal improvement and a shift in our awareness. One such way is through the use of flower essences, which can help guide us toward positive transformation and allow us to address the root cause of our suffering. By harnessing the power of these natural remedies, we can unlock our full potential and find true happiness and fulfillment in life.

Flower Essences work on a person's energy system in a way that can be compared to a software update running in the background of an operating system to upgrade a computer to a higher and better version. According to this metaphorical comparison, flower essences can interact with a person's energy system to bring about positive changes that can lead to an overall improvement in well-being, similar to how a software update can improve the performance of a computer. While the effectiveness of flower essence therapy and the exact mechanisms by which it works are not scientifically proven, many people have reported positive results from using flower essences and have shown the most effectiveness when actively working with the essence through journaling, awareness practices, and other similar methods. 

While the approach of utilizing flower essences may seem novel, it is actually rooted in an ancient healing system that has been rediscovered as we enter a phase of heightened collective awareness. The credit for the invention of flower essences is commonly attributed to Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician, and homeopath who developed the Bach flower remedies in the 1930s.
However, it's imperative to acknowledge the wisdom of various prior cultures and the pioneering insights of Hildegard von Bingen in the 12th century, as she had already recognized the significance and impact of emotional and psychological factors, as well as various healing modalities involving plants.